There is always an issue arising about how secure we are against the different terrorist attacks. In India only we have witnessed record breaking attacks. Whether it is on the Parliament or it is Akshar Dham or the attack in Mumbai. At all these times the terrorists have used the different modes of communication (the most secure one which our intelligence were not able to break it).
We have been fighting a war against terrorism for a very long time. The terrorist have also equipped themselves with the latest technological enhancements. Now they are using satellite phones, computer gadgets etc. and last but the least they are making use of the uneducated(technically) population of ours. So we are fighting not only a war with weapons but also the cyber war, which itself is very devastating.
Now the questions arise: first Why the cyber attack or war is devastating? The simple answer is that we are now very much dependent upon the technology.
And second question is Is it simple to launch a cyber attack?
the answer what I think is YES because the common man is not educated. He knows how to use a computer but he doesn't know how to keep it secure.
In the today’s scenario a 4 year child can use the mobile phone, computer or different gadgets which are made available to him BUT do he know the consequences or threats which are related to it and which could harm us in any possible way. This points towards one thing that is Security or Information Security.
Not only is the child even the well educated people also not aware with this fact.
Why this is happening?
It is due to the abundance of IT in our lives and the lack of our knowledge towards it.Today the lowest earning people are having mobile phones but they are not aware that their non-education can harm in a big way as what we witnessed in Malegaon attack, where the Wi-Fi IP of the family was hacked and the message was communicated with ease. The reason was that the family was not aware of the technicality of the system like how many ports are open,what is the range of the Wireless etc.
The above mentioned is a crime which a bit sophisticated but what about the crimes which go unnoticed like Spamming, Phishing and many more. Any mail comes and if it says that you have won prizes , we tend to answer it immediately with our credentials without even thinking twice or verifying it, and later on we face consequences. And this all is happening due to the non-education of ours towards the Information Security.
Information Security Education doesn’t mean that having the degree and getting the job but rather it means the implementation of what we have studied through our experience and be aware of the latest threats.
This should start from the very root level when the kid starts using the computers or mobile phones. Its not that to be after him to learn Info-Sec but give him a step by step progress as it is with the computer education. The Info-Sec should be included in the course curriculum from the very beginning rather learning it in graduation or after graduation. By this the children or people coming out of the schools have a basic knowledge of this domain. Information Security is not the domain rather it has become the necessity of the Present world.
How to educate ourselves?? upcoming blogs....